Mr. Techalew Negash

Techalew Negash has long time experiences in financial management and administration working with international and regional organizations and the private sector. He worked as Head of Finance and Finance Officer for ASARECA (Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa) between December 1995 and March 2017. In his senior position, Techalew managed the overall financial functions, including budget preparation, financial accountabilities, reporting, internal control, and auditing. Some of his major tasks included: developing and updating Financial Management manual; training of Finance and Research personnel in financial management systems and procedures; managing funds of the Association and proper applications; arranging for periodic and annual general and donor’s specific audits; assisting in planning and undertaking organizing regional conferences and workshops; preparing reports to ensure accountability at all levels to donors, governance and management and other stakeholders; and supervising the day-to-day functions of the Administrative Office and guiding in procurement and personnel matters. He has extensive experience working with multi-donor funding agencies, including the World Bank, USAID, SIDA, EU, DFID, and IFAD.
Between February 1988 and November 1995 Techalew served as Head of Disbursement Unit and Project Accountant at ILRI. He also served as station administrator at Debre Berhan research station between May 1981 and January 1988. He worked for Gellatley Hankey & Co, a private company based in Addis Ababa, in accountant and assistant accountant positions between July 1977 and April 1981.
Techalew holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Addis Ababa University and a Diploma in Advanced Accounting from Addis Ababa College of Commerce.