Professor Wubshet Mamo
Wubshet is a Clinical Professor of Global Health at the University of Washington (UW), Seattle, USA. He was a country Clinical Laboratory Program Director in Ethiopia for UW–affiliated International Training and Education on Health (I-TECH), 2007 – 2015. He has been the UW faculty staff for the last 13 years. He is also Associate Professor of Medical Microbiology at University of Uppsala, Sweden. Wubshet, through the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)–supported Ethiopia in health system development; through Management Science for Health (MSH), contributed to the establishment of the first Regulatory Science Master’s program at Addis Abeba University (AAU) and through the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) the first National Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) surveillance strategic plan in Ethiopia.
He is currently a Senior Regional Global Public Health Consultant at the United States Pharmacopeia, supporting in the public health system strengthening, in establishing a Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS), in Ethiopia, African, and some South Asian countries. He was a Program Manager at the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), a pan-African organization, managing the public health laboratory system strengthening programs, improving the clinical laboratory quality management system towards ISO 15189 accreditation. He also contributed to the national HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs including professional skill-building in Ethiopia, Africa, and in the Caribbean.
Wubshet has extensive experience in biomedical research, published over 50 publications and in book chapters; over 14 years of experience in human therapeutic drug discovery research, as Principal Scientist in GI, CNS diseases research at a global bio-pharma, AstraZeneca, Sweden, contributed to early discovery of some human medicines; years of experience in prophylactic vaccine development; substantial experience in transgenesis, and have strong interest in Stem Cell therapy. He is also an experienced veterinary clinician, has expertise in bacterial infections, animal health with a major interest in emerging/re-emerging infections, zoonosis, and “One Health” integrating human health, animal health, and ecosystem. Wubshet obtained his PhD from the Swedish University, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden, and MVSc and DVM from Kharkiv State Veterinary Academy in Ukraine.